You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been “out of it” for quite a while now. I’ve hardly posted on the Green Goddess Facebook page & done absolutely nothing on the website this entire year All I can do is apologize & try to do better.
Not that it’s an excuse, but 2016 hasn’t been an easy one for me. It started off with me in a walking boot, unable to drive for 6 weeks. My foot required a 2nd surgery to re-align my toes (which are starting to ache again BTW). The winter is not my favorite time, and so the year began with a “funk” to put it mildly. I hibernated & didn’t do much of anything, even when the warmer weather came.
Also, those closest to me know of the difficulties with my newest rescue dog. I brought Forest home 12/5/15. He had been removed from a hoarding situation, and had been in rescue for 7 months. He is a gorgeous Husky/Malamute/Golden/Poodle mix, but he was totally non-socialized, and basically afraid of EVERYTHING. He was about 6 years old, neither neutered nor housebroken; it became obvious he NEVER lived in a family environment.
To make a long story short, his progress has been slow. It’s often one step forward, 2 steps back. I am the only one he trusts, and he even shows distrust to me. He’s come a long way with Chuck as well. I spent lots of time with him, and coddled him too much. He does NOT like to leave Goldenacres, other than to go for rides in the car, and he doesn’t like people invading his space, whether in the house or outdoors.
There is no aggression involved, it’s pure nervousness/fear. He’ll bark incessantly, scoot around the house, finding a safe place nowhere. It’s extremely difficult to have people over, and hosting my vendor/psychic fairs would be impossible. 40-50 people milling around the yard would freak him out totally. It seems much like a person suffering from PTSD. He pretty much held me prisoner at home for a long time. When I leave, even for short trips, he is destructive. He has totally destroyed a set of custom Pella wooden sliding doors. We have to barricade all the slider in the house when we go out. You’d think the Zombie Apocalypse had arrived.
These situations are no excuse to just ignore the community & go off the grid like I did, but I just wasn’t feeling up to it. This summer, I started feeling better, started seeing people & going out. Last week I participated in Candyce Fleming’s holiday vendor event-Shop & Bop in Lakehurst. It was great to see the community, and it was a huge step forward in getting me back on track.
2017 will be much better & Green Goddess will again be having classes & events. Hopefully Forest will start to adapt, & learn that the more people he trusts, the more love he gets.
The only thing I’ll be hosting before the end of this year is a Holiday Open House next weekend (both days). I have restocked honey, crystals, jewelry, incense, smudge, tarot & oracle cards, organic herbs and everyone’s favorite-Shaman’s Dawn products. There will be a reader both days, offering psychic/medium readings, Shamanic sessions & Reiki/Energy Healing. Look for the Facebook event to hit probably tomorrow morning.
There were many individuals who helped get me through yet another “dark period”. You know who you are; and there are plenty of you. I won’t even attempt to name you all, lest I leave someone out. All I can do is express my deepest gratitude. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such a circle of friends I can always count on.
Look forward to resumed fun, learning, & healing. She’s b-aaa-ccckkk 🙂
“She stumbles
they catch her-
holding her up
Another struggles,
she’s surrounded with the love she’s given out.
It’s a circle of women giving, taking & growing…
And it is within that circle she finds her place”